
BPF Tournament Rules and Regulations

By your participation in this tournament trail, you agree to comply with all the following rules and agree to submit to be involved in a polygraph test or any other test at any given time to qualify for any prizes.

This is a team tournament OR will allow a youth angler under 16. MAX poles = 6 for a 2-person team with a single youth. However, an angler may enter alone.

  1. PRE-REGISTRATION can be done online at https://www.brushpilefishing.com/veterans
    1. Early morning registration is also available @ 6AM and will conclude at 9AM. Registration will be set up at the Cheshire St. Ramp. The launch will be at 6 AM at all ramps listed on Alum Creek as all TEAMS will be able to proceed to their spots. (Meaning no boats will leave before departure time and Live Well Check)
  2. PFD’s / Floatation device MUST be worn when the boat is on plane.
  3. Private docks & boat lifts. No tying off to any private dock or lift is allowed. However, you can hold with a hand and brace your foot to protect your boat and other property. At no time can you place your foot on the dock to gain a fishing advantage. Just respect someone else’s property.
  4. Advisory Committee will inspect the live wells for each Boat. The team must arrive early to ensure this is completed and all ribbons are attached to the trolling motor.
  5. Teams must fish from a boat / Kayak. (That means you must remain in your boat while fishing) All waters MUST be accessible by normal boat propulsion to be legal fishing waters. (If you are not sure if your means is considered normal propulsion ask the Advisory Committee before the tournament!!) Additionally, if either TEAM member chooses to leave the boat for a bathroom break OR remove jig/hook from another boat or dock ETC, BOTH MEMBERS MUST STOP FISHING until said member returns to the boat. The committee encourages all anglers to always remove and retrieve jigs/hooks that may be stuck on another’s property.
  6. BrushPile Fishing may cancel the tournament in the event of severe weather. The tournament may be rescheduled or money will be refunded. (It is the fisherman’s responsibility to find out about cancellations and/or rescheduling.)
  7. The lake is off-limits from 2 PM the day before the tournament until the Official fishing start time which is 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM. No lines may be in the water before the official start time. All teams must quit fishing by the official quit time which is 3:30 pm unless start time is changed based on weather conditions OR Daylight Savings. All Teams must be in the weigh-in line no later than 4:00 PM. Weigh-in will take place at the Main Launch Ramp Area. If you enter the weigh-in line after the deadline, you will be DQ. (Weigh-in line means in line and visible at the scale)
  8. Any angler that has a JIG stuck in the throat of a Crappie must report this to the weigh-in directors ASAP before the fish is weighed in. Once notified at the scale, the weigh-in director will remove the JIG.
  9. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted during this tournament or weigh-ins. This will be strictly enforced.
  10. A total of 7 fish may be weighed in and they must be alive at the weigh-in line. If you’re in line and weigh in a dead fish, OR a fish under 9 inches you will be disqualified.
  11. Teams may not weigh in more than 7 LIVE crappie when entering the official weigh-in line. Any team presenting more than allowed creel will be disqualified. The official weigh-in process begins once your fish are placed in the baskets. Director will verify if the fish is alive once the fish are placed in the basket.
  12. Crappie must be hooked and landed with a rod or pole by a team member. Crappie must be hooked through the lip or in the mouth.
  13. Any Crappie brought to the scale for weigh-in must have been caught during tournament fishing hours from tournament waters “Alum Creek” by a team member bringing the fish to the scale.
  14. The Weigh-in line is dedicated to that team only weighing in their fish. NO CROWDING PLEASE so the directors can weigh the fish and enter weights on the weigh-in board.
  15. All fish must be at least 9” long or legal limit if the lake has a size limit greater than 9”. It’s the team’s responsibility to find out the size limit.
  16. Both live and artificial bait may be used.
  17. The use of Aqua View or underwater cameras is prohibited during this tournament. Pre-fishing is OK. Live Scope technology is approved to be used during the tournament.
  18. All grievances must be brought up to the directors and Advisory Committee 30 minutes before / or during the weigh-in. This is required verbally before prizes are awarded.
  19. All local, State, and or ODNR laws and rules will be followed. If not followed, the TEAM will be disqualified if the Directors are provided proof from State / local / DNR and or other teams.
  20. For the Big Fish, the winning Crappie will be decided by WEIGHT ONLY. Should a tie occur, the teams will split the pot.
  21. Payout for this event: Proceeds will be donated to the National Veterans Memorial Museum and Face the Fight. We will also provide 4 cash or prize packages for the top 4 teams and the BIG Fish.
    1. 1st place $1000.00
    2. 2nd place $500.00
    3. 3rd place Purpose Built Optics Voucher (2)
    4. 4th Place – BrushPile Fishing Prize Pack
    5. Big Fish prize will be a gift certificate from Power-Pole
  22. All teams fishing this event Must complete the Registration Form. At the bottom of this form, you will see a waiver and liability section that requires signatures from ALL anglers. If not completed, you will not be able to fish the event. This Waiver release form protects the organizers and its member’s liabilities of persons participating in the event.
  23. Any violation of good sportsmanship will be reviewed by the directors. Fighting, Harassment, Cheating, Tampering, Caught by another team via photo may result in disqualification from the Tournament.
  24. Code of Conduct – Anglers participating in this event shall abide by this code of conduct and the published rules for the event. Anglers shall, at all times, conduct themselves in a manner becoming of a professional that will not reflect negatively on BrushPile Fishing or their representatives and Sponsors. It is an obligation of Anglers to refrain from comments to the media that unreasonably attack or disparage the integrity of the tournament directors, sponsors, fellow members, or the BrushPile Fishing tournament. Any angler who violates any portion of the Code of Conduct may be subject to disqualification.

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